Submitted by admin on Wed, 09/10/2014 - 23:36
Thank you to all who participated in our beginning of the year tryouts tournament. Here is a quick summary of the tournament:
• 40 total players participated
• 118 total matches were played
• The tournament took approximately 10 hours of play spread over 5 days
• Resultant ratings of the participants
• Mean: 1357 Median:1368 Std. Dev: 274
Congratulations to Hanqing (William) Zhu for winning GTTTA's 2014 Tryouts Tournament!
Finishers 2-8:
Arjun Tikku, Abner Ayala, Siddarth P., Karan Mehta, York Huang, Wai Hong Lam, Fuad Hasbun
Check out the detailed results on our league page. The ratings earned during tryouts will be used to begin our weekly Thursday Night League. Players are placed in groups with other players of a similar rating. Each player that participates in a league session will have their rating adjusted based on their results from that session. The club ratings will be the primary means of selected players for the Varsity and Junior Varsity teams.