Weekly Announcement - 9/18

Hello everyone!

We hope you all are having a great start to your week! From now on, we’re implementing a weekly announcement system. You can expect to receive a Slack message and an email every Monday for everything relevant to practices, weekly leagues, and events! For this this week (9/18-9/23), we will be having the following:

1. Practice on Tuesday from 6-8pm
2. Practice on Thursday from 6-8pm
3. League on Saturday from 5-7pm (sign up by Thursday at 11:59 pm using this link)

An anonymous member input form has been integrated into our website, at the bottom of the general info page. Please let us know of any feedback you may have regarding improvements we can make to the club or anything else we should be aware of!

Thanks everyone! Feel free to reach out to any officers or message us in the general channel here on Slack if you have any questions!

GTTTA Officers